Let’s face it, weight loss can be HARD but doesn’t have to be. Even when you feel like you’re putting 110% into the process the results can still often be missing. It’s frustrating, really frustrating. You try something new again to try and obtain results. In the beginning it seems like you’re effort may be …
Maximize Exercise Benefits Through Nutrition
Exercise and nutrition are kind of like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It just isn’t right to have one without the other! A peanut butter and jelly sandwich would not exist if we did not have both ingredients, just like a healthy and strong body isn’t realistic without good eating habits and physical activity. …
Ditch Trendy Diets and Embrace Carbohydrates
More than ever, people fear eating carbohydrates will make them gain weight, get diabetes and feel sluggish. Fear no more!
A Guide to Holiday Eating
Mouth watering appetizers, meals, drinks and desserts are everywhere this time of the year! Temptations are at an all time high. Everyone around us will be eating, drinking and having a great time, and so should we. This is the time to enjoy family, friends and great food. We should be looking forward to the good times, without having to fix any damage to our health.
“Secret Weapons” for Weight Loss
I LOVE analogies when it comes to nutrition! Analogies help keeps things simple, fun and easy. One of my favorite analogies is talking about “secret weapons.” Brenda, what are you talking about?! I’m so glad you asked as I am REALLY excited to share with you lifestyle changes and goals that will help you to …