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Drop the Diet!

The term “diet” is a four letter word often associated with boring food, deprivation, and many rules. People hear the word “diet” and usually think:
“I have to follow a “diet” in order to be successful in my weight loss goals.”
“Going on a diet suddenly makes me crave chocolate cake…everyday!
“When I “diet,” I make sure to let everyone around me know that my fun has to end. But when I am not “dieting”, boy am I the life of the party!”
The truth is, all of these statements are false beliefs that somehow the “diet” industry has led us to believe we need to be successful. But we have a little secret! (Actually not really a secret, because we are sharing with you in this blog:)).
Deprivation diets do not work! At least not for very long. Losing weight does not have to be a process filled with boring and tasteless foods. Actually, learning to lose weight, can be one of the greatest journeys of your life!
In our practice, we use the “non-diet” approach to weight loss with many of clients who want to lose weight. Through years of experience working with individual clients and prescribing many “diets”, we have come to the understanding that we as a population do not need another “diet.” But instead we need to re-learn how to eat, how to fuel our body, how to provide nourishment, and how to enjoy food again. When these principles are learned and implemented on a regular basis, we see the body work naturally at losing weight.

5 Steps to Drop the Diet and Lose the Weight


1. Eat foods that nourish you. Think about the actual nutrition a food provides. How does it make you feel? Energetic? Satisfied? Tired? Full? Gassy? Be honest with yourself, and keep note. If you take the time to listen, your body will tell you how a particular food makes you feel!

2. Eat real food. Three simple but powerful words. Feed your body real foods, eat from mother earth. Eat fresh foods. Enjoy real sugar and butter in moderation. Eat real food without guilt. When you focus on eating more real foods in your diet, you will have less room to consume packaged and processed foods.

3. Honor your senses. The taste, the smell, the texture, the look and feel of food all relate to your senses. When you are eating, think about what satisfaction the food is bringing to you. I understand that in today’s fast-paced society, this is not always possible, but it is something you should be considering. If moving away from “diets” is appealing to you, then learning to honor your senses during mealtime is essential!

4. Eliminate the “last supper” mentality. You know the drill. It is the night before your “diet,” and you want to eat all your favorite foods before the diet starts, so you can “get it out of your system.” Well, the truth is this “last supper” mentality is one of the many reasons “diets” fail. When we consistently think this is the “last time I can ever eat this food again,” of course, you are going to eat more than your body needs. This mentality causes you to stuff yourself (a.k.a. consuming more energy than your body needs), and the cycle continues. If you recognize that no foods are truly off-limits, but instead, you honor your body with food that nourishes you and makes you feel good, then you can forgo the last supper all together.

5. Find pleasure in the kitchen. Experiment with cooking and make meal prep time an enjoyable experience. Involve your family in the meal planning and preparation. Cooking in the kitchen is not only good for the body but also good for the soul. Check out one of our favorite websites for healthy free recipes – CookingLight. You can also check out our amazing meal planning program, EatLove to help with planning, grocery lists and finding delicious healthy recipes tailored to your specific goals! 

Are you curious to learn more about the “non-diet” approach to weight loss? Contact us today and we can schedule a complimentary introductory phone call to determine if this approach is right for you! We are looking forward to hearing from you!

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